Thursday, February 27, 2025
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Last Night
Just when I think
I can’t be more
bonded with you,
there you are,
deeper in my heart
removing knives
placed there by others
and healing the scars
with the very
Essence of Life.
Sunday, February 2, 2025
My Burning Man
You say you’re not the man you were,
nor as strong as you used to be,
but believe me when I say
you’re more than man enough for me.
A glimpse of you on the dance floor
Still brings me to my knees.
It’s the way your jeans
sit on your hips,
it’s the soul patch
beneath that bottom lip,
it’s the swagger in your walk,
it’s your cool jive talk,
it’s the way your hands glide
from my back to my hips
when you spin me ‘round
And take me in a dip.
It’s the very essence of you,
My Burning, Manly Man.
Another year on
The Wild Side, baby.
Can you dig it,
cuz I can.
Friday, January 24, 2025
My memories of a man
Begin and end with you,
when you dug me up
from the grave
where I dwelled with the dead.
In a glorious resurrection
You healed my heart.
You left fingerprints all over my body,
handprints on my bed
and rattled these old bones.
I’m not going back there
Until my name is on the stone.
So I warm your side of the bed
in hopes that you visit me
in a dream.
We’ve got a lot of living
left to do;
If you keep saving me,
Sunday, July 28, 2024
The Graveyard
I don't bury my dead;
I line them up on the bookcase shelf
Like hard earned trophies,
As if to say,
Look! See here...
Once I was loved.
Saturday, July 22, 2023
The Wild Ride
Friday, May 26, 2023
The Jagged Heart
“Swallow the jagged heart,”
she said.
“It’ll cure all that ails you,”
as she pulled me to her bed,
into her tangled web
of pleasure.
“I’ll trade this hollowed out bullet
for your pain,”
she placed it round my neck,
hung it from a chain,
filled it with some magic
and then she said,
“Come back next Tuesday
and I’ll heal you again.”
(my words written from His perspective,
lest you think it’s a confession)
Monday, May 15, 2023
Looking For You
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Seventeen to Seventy
Bits of her remain
Not locked within my memories,
But in my every day.
I’ve been blessed and
I’ve been sad;
Been as Luckey as my name.
If I had another chance
I would do it all the same.
As my Daddy used to say,
Hot Diggity Dog,
It’s been a beautiful day.
I’m still dancing,
Still romancing,
And I’m here to say,
Baby, I’m not finished yet,
So swag on over my way…