Friday, December 12, 2008

Homesick Elf

PAUL shared a little SECRET late last night when he returned
from the NORTH POLE...
PAUL is homesick.
After reporting to Santa, while frolicking in the snow with all the other
Shelf Elves,
Paul felt one tiny little tear gently fall down his cheek.
We were sharing a cup of hot cocoa with a peppermint candy cane
when the idea suddenly popped into my head!
I nearly shouted, why don't you spend the rest of the night in DebVille!!!

Paul nearly shouted back, SPLENDID IDEA!
and he quickly flew off to Moosehead Lodge, on the second highest mountain
in DebVille.
The twinkle came back to his eyes as he nestled in among the pine trees,
under the full moon...his eyes came to rest upon the tiny little reindeer up
on the rooftop...and that is when his smile returned to his chubby little face.
Paul did not even notice the raccoons rustling in the trash cans, for his
heart was full, entranced by the twinkling light upon the fresh fallen snow,
seriously dreaming of taking a ride on one of the sleds.
The cowboy in the outhouse did disturb him a bit, but PAUL understood that
PV2 Ryan sent the cowboy home from Fort Hood as a Christmas present, so
PAUL averted his eyes...
So deep within the pine trees, on the second highest
mountain in DebVille is where Paul spent the rest of the night.
That is one happy little Elf.

This is the little tree in the family room.

Tomorrow is the the BIG REVEAL...

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