Thursday, May 7, 2009

Early Summer in the Desert

It's getting to be
that time of year in the desert . . .

You can actually
smell it in the air . . .
Party Time!!!

Hubby is up to something . . .
He's been drawing for weeks.
It involves the black barrel,
a lighter,
and of course,
a beer.

All right here
under this tree
that we planted together
almost twenty-one years ago.
Under this umbrella
with PFC Ryan's shells.
(yes, Boo, I place little parts of you
all around the house, but
you are never very far away,
"i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)"
by E. E. Cummings
Oh, and it will definitely involve wine.

This rusty pipe will soon
become a footrest . . .
I have been sworn to secrecy,
so to speak . . .
Forbidden to post pictures
of the process.
I'm thinking RUDE!

How did this situation turn out?
Give me your version . . .
Best story wins a prize.


Just A Girl said...

Oh! How intriguing...a rusty pipe! What will it be? I can't wait to see! Tee Hee!!

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

What, prey tell, could be going on at the poets house? Obviously has the animals in a tizzie too!


KeKe said...

I have no clue! Ca't wait to find out though~

Anonymous said...

I really came over to tell you that the baby in the pic is my grand baby. My kids are probably around the same age as yours. I am in my forties but my hubby is a little uncomfortatble with the whole internet thing, so I remain under wraps and don't talk about my family or personal life too much. Whoa,I guess I just came out to you, didn't I?

Okay the cat/dog thing. Hmmmm... They began to tangle and tumble in a whirl of claws and teeth. When all of a sudden a little mouse ran out of the rusty pipe and headed right up your pant leg. Well of course the two gave up the spat and worked as a team to scare the mouse away because after all their job is to serve and protect.
That's how I see it. Sorry about the mouse up running up your leg ;)
Happy Mother's Day have a great weekend!


Wendy said...

Well that was a good beginning to the story, but she didn't finish it. The mouse didn't just run up your leg, it jumped into Hubby's beer! And drowned!
And under that tree that you planted 20 years ago, Hubby has put a table and 2 chairs for you and he. The rusty pipe will be your foot rest, so no footsies under the table! Instead, he and you will celebrate your anniversary with flowers and wine.

Renee said...

Well she gave him a love tap and then he gave her a love tap and then she gave him a love tap and then he gave her a love tap and before you knew it Ms. Kitty was snuggled quite nicely in his lap. Thank you very much.

Love Renee xoxo

Ces Adorio said...

Ah hello there. First, why are you covering your pretty face? Well you have to join us for coffee, tea or champagne or laughter. You are so generous with your compliments, my head almost blew up from getting so big.

Congratulations on the Renee Award. Ins't she a hoot? She can't help it, she is a spreader of love and happiness. You have to meet Bella Sinclair. She drew that little Renee and acorn, I only wrote the words.

I already like you. First of all thank you for PFC Ryan. We sleep better at night because of young men and women who dedicate themselves for our freedom and safety and for their parents and families who support and nurture them.

And i like to see a happy couple. So I will definitely be back!