Thursday, May 21, 2009

Gray, gray day

In the desert,

Storms roll in fast.

It's only May,
and yet the skies
are screaming

When the children were small
they were very well trained...
with the slightest of winds
and the promise of rain,
off they would run to the garden,
stacking chair,
taking down hanging pots...
I close my eyes and I see them
running, running,
saving Mama's things
from the approaching storm.

Oh, how I tried to save them from the storms...
but life is life
and the storms arrived,
scattered through the years...
We rode them out together,
at times with gritting teeth,
never letting go
of the thread of love
that bound us all together.

Just when we thought
that the winds would
surely carry us away

That one ray of hope.
And we grabbed it
and held on tight.

I'm not afraid of storms now...
it's only the wind.
good things
come out of a storm.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful reflections from a mother's heart. You have me in tears.

Silver said...

Lovely, lovely blog.

You write beautifully.;)

from One Day at a Time with Silver/

Renee said...

Deborah did you notice the 4th picture from the bottom is the dove of peace. God is with you.

This was beautiful thank you.

Love Renee

I have many people praying tonight.


Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

Such beautiful blog you have! The words and photos are so poetic...and inspiring. I'll be back often, if you don't mind.

My gosh, how time flies. When my kids were little, too many times I would think when they got older I could get some rest. The older they got, the less rest.:)

Thank you for stopping by my blog.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Deborah, wonderful words...straight to my heart...and eyes...
Be well
Godeliva from Ariadone

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Beautiful...full of heart and soul and truth!

To a beautiful, peaceful weekend...and no monsoon's over seas.

KeKe said...

Sometimes good thngs do come out of storms (I'm in one right now)...Waiting to see what comes of it....

Just A Girl said...

I love Arizona storms! When I was little and growing up in Yuma the winds would blow and my daddy would tie one of his huge shirts round my waist buttoned only at the top and bottom. Then I'd jump on my scooter, turn my back to the wind, and the sails would open blowing me off to adventures unkown.
Now metaphorical storms...those are the ones that define and mold our character...they make us who we are and solidify our beliefs. I'm so glad you and your family weathered yours :).

xoxox Cori

Wendy said...

What a beautiful post! Your analogy to life experiences is excellently portrayed.

I'm still around. You can catch me on my other blog

Home of the faeries is a blog I use for my inner world. I do need to update it. Will do so soon. Thanks for your concern and your comment.

A Beach House Dreamer said...

Beautiful. I have to say though that I am a bit afraid of these storms (hurricanes).