I hugged you goodbye
and you did not want to let go.
My big, strong Daddy
has been reduced to skin and bones.
How small you are now.
I nestled my head into the softest part of your neck;
rivers of tears flowing . . .
yours and mine.
Will I see you again in the flesh?
I could skate away on." **
Or a boat on a lake . . .
I am not fond of this time,
the changing of the guards.
My wish is for a
Notebook ending.
God is God,
and I am not.
And so, off you go,
home again with Mommy.
The sweetest Love Story
ever told.
So long for now.
not just the best we can . . .
It's a WONDERFUL life.
** Lyrics by Joni Mitchell
** Lyrics by Joni Mitchell
Wow! Powerful words!!
I hope this finds you well...
~*Birthday wishes*~ to yours too!!
...Are you a Pisces by any chance?...Just thought I'd ask :)
YES! Yes...yes.
To a beautiful glorious and magnificent weekend.
Oh my goodness...you are a real poet. I just fool around with silly words but you actually say something deep! What a pleasure to have found you. Thanks for coming to tea. I hear that my link to Ulla is not working; just google her by entering Ullabenulla and she should pop up. Have a great day!! Anita
My heart is breaking for you Darling Deb. I assume your daddy lives far. I'll keep you tightly wrapped in prayer, but more then that He has you tightly wrapped in His arms.
Le printemps est magnifique, c'est un hymne à la vie qui renaît ! Qu'elles sont belles, ces fleurs mauves ! Un plaisir...
Kisses from France,
Joni Mitchell is beloved! Is there a hidden message I don't get? Either way, I hug you! xoxo
Deborah life can be very hard when we have to say goodbye to those we love.
But what an attitude your Dad gave you.
Hot diggity dog, life is wonderful.
Thinking of you.
Love Renee xoxox
I ahve an award for you over at my blog~
Beautiful words, sad but so meaningful. I wish you love and happiness. Life is pretty amazing!
Deborah be ready to fall in love.
Love Renee xoxo
Lovely words and your recent photos are awesome. Hugging you hard xoxo Marie
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