I've got to say, I love awards.
Here is a very sweet one given to me by
If you have not visited her yet,
hurry, click as quick as you can!!!
She is an amazing Poet and Artist.

This award is to be passed onto"fellow bloggers who visit frequently and raise my spirits with their kind words of encouragement, their beautiful images and their wonderful outlook on life. They make blogging a positive experience and continue to make my life richer."
People who lift me up;
strangers no longer, who feed me . . .
actually anyone who visits me and makes a connection!
I shall pass this lovely award on to:
Visit them too! I love them and so will you!
Well, well, well,
I had neglected to nominate a
Most Uplifting Blog
because I thought she was an award-free blog . . .
Silly me.
More than a drum roll . . . a marching band
with unicorns and rainbows please . . .
Visiting Linda will leave you feeling like you
just completed a yoga class,
totally Zen. . .
the path of enlightenment.
Go see.
thanks, sweet..
sentiments are the same about you and yours from here.
deborah, pardon me for just showing up, but your comment today on renee's blog touched me very much. in just a few sentences you conveyed all the sensitivity and kindness you obviously have.
deal deborah! i'll be around too!
Hello Darling Deb,
Here I thought it was going to be a "goofy" award for a "goofy" girl and yet it's for inspiration. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Today I've received this award twice which makes me doubly blessed especially since I've felt very non-inspirational lately. Thank you for seeing inspiration in the midst of the ramblings.
I LoVe YoU!!! Cori
I loved giving this to you, look at you you are a ray of sunshine on gloomy days!!
muah to you
Congrats miss Deborah, you deserve it. You are definately a ray of sunshine when you visit me. Have wonderful wednesday. I'll try to get back here and visit your friends when I have a little more time. xo-jj
You deserve it~ Congrats!!
Deborah if you see a comment on my blog from Sweet Lolo, she is the woman who made this award.
Her name is Laurel and she is my raven sister. I love her so much. You will adore her, please go and see her.
Wait I will go get the blog site:
Laurel is one of the absolute most loving and caring people you will ever meet.
She is an animal whisperer and helps animals close to death.
Please check her out. I adore her.
Love you and am always praying for our private.
It does my heart good to see the award I've created get passed on to so many deserving people.
yay!! Here's to uplifting bloggers who have become friends in many ways.
Thanks for stopping by! I'm sure we'll see each other again ;)
Deborah, you say the cleverest things. I love your comments. You are so "quotable"!
Hello and blessings to PFC Ryan.
What a beautiful award. CONGRATS!
I come bearing gifts! I have aptly modified my 2009 Mental Ninja Awards and added your name to the recipient's list. Ypu must have read my mind. Yesterday morning I thought of you and was actually thinking of doing a secod distribution of the award this year when I was reading your comment on the elephant illustration post.
For now, I will use this section to deliver the special 2009 Mental Ninja Award to you!
You may obtain the logo here:
congrats on the award...very nice!
and yes, linda's lime in the coconut is eye candy/soul candy, isn't it? her blog inspires me to enjoy my own surroundings more.
take care!
still praying and thinking of Ryan daily- congrats to you for your uplifting award!!!!you deserve it!!
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