Friday, June 28, 2013

Pinterest Success



BabyCakes is turning

T W O !

A few more Pinterest projects on the agenda for today:

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Giant tissue paper flowers in pink and lilac.

Instead of the paper lanterns, I am using

iridescent white balloons.

Minus the crepe paper streamers.


Because this frosting definitely calls for another


Light, fluffy cream cheese frosting

on white cupcakes baked with a

Maraschino Cherry

in the center of each wee cake

contained within the most adorable

pink polka dot cupcake holder.

Because she IS a princess.





Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Princess! I love your are one gorgeous two-year-old! xo

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Ta dah indeed. How precious for your sweet sweet granddaughter.....and proud Grandma. Lucky both of you to share sparkly ta dah moments. Oma Linda

Anonymous said...

Oh my yes!! Every Princess deserves a few "ta dahs" and these are gorgeous!! She's such a sweetie...wishing her a most happy birthday! xo

kj said...

a cherry inside?! that is very cool, deb!

two years old. talking plenty, yes? and by now knowing her grandmother is going to show her how to shine in many many ways.

happy birthday, ms. babycakes. you can model if you want to, that is, after you eat a few cupcakes.

love to all,

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Happy birthday to BabyCakes! She's a lucky little girl to have a doting gramma like you!

A Magical Whimsy said...

They grow up way too fast, don't they?
Our little dah-dah (Kammrin) turned 3 in July...such a grown-up young man now (our oldest daughter's first son and now she is expecting No. 2, a girl).
Thank you for sharing these precious photos of your granddaughter.
I know you are living to your fullest with whatever is around the corner for you and your knight in shining armor.
You are both in my thoughts and prayers...may angels protect you in your journey.
love and hugs,
Teresa in California