Saturday, January 12, 2019

All I Need

It's cold out here tonight

I'm worn out from the fight

I catch my breath
And pray for rest

Last night I had the most terrifying dream.  You stopped loving me.  I was captive in a horrible, unnatural world where I could feel the physical pain of my heart breaking, I could hear the sobbing of my own cries, and feel the wetness of my own tears. I was begging you to love me again. All the furniture, walls, and floors had been stripped out of our home. There was nothing left. In utter desperation, I ran down darken streets screaming out that this could not be happening. It felt impossible, unbearable, for you to not love me. I was going to die if you stopped loving me.

By morning light, I knew that you dying was not the most terrible thing that could ever happen to me; because you still love me and always will.  That's all I need.

Still a fire burns,
 lighting up the room

I know You're here with me

You wrap me in Your arms,

Like only You can do,
I know You're all I need
With You, I'll always be


Jan said...

Still sorry for your loss. And yet, your love is one for the stories. A beautiful thing, gone too soon.

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Your "Brawny Man's" love is always with you, my dear friend. I only wish his strong arms could still embrace you, his laughter be heard beside you and his warmth be felt next to you. I pray you have a special friend that you can cry with and who lifts you up when the day seems just too long to bear. Always know that your faraway friends are here too and we never tire to listen to your pain and offer slices of solitude. Hugs + Prayers always!

Wendy said...

Oh Deb - what a nightmare! How horrible to feel in that deep dark place!

I used to "bargain" with God and tell him I wished that my sweet David had just up and left, instead of dying. At least I could still talk to him.
But then, we wouldn't have had that deeply loving relationship - the one that transcends space and time; the one that lives on and never never dies.

As awful as that nightmare was, it seems to me you picked up on the right message.
Bless you, your Brawny Man and your strong, eternal Love.

martinealison said...

Bonsoir chère Deb,

Je vous remercie pour votre adorable message laissé à propos de ma dernière peinture.
Je suis heureuse qu'elle vous remplisse de joie et vous ait apporté du bonheur...

J'imagine le mal-être que vous ayez ressenti en vous réveillant avec le souvenir terrifiant de votre cauchemar.
Je pense que votre souffrance est telle et votre manque de lui est considérable... Tout se mêle dans votre esprit... Votre amour est si fort et malheureusement les mots d'amour de votre moitié sont comme "fanés" et vous ne l'acceptez pas et c'est tout à fait légitime. Vous vous sentez si abandonnée...

Je vous envoie toute mon affection,

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm glad the dream had a happy and reassuring ending!

Anonymous said...

As we so know,,,love never dies. Thanking God.

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Thanks so much for popping in to see my daughter's baby shower. Hope you are well and are continuing to heal. I am excited to be a first time grandma! Blessing to you, my friend.