Monday, October 7, 2019

Déjà vu

"Did I know you in a previous life?" he asked.
I replied through a side glance 
and a crooked smile,
"Yes. We were Vikings together,
sailing the stormy seas
way back in the year of
one thousand sixty three".

Waves were not alone
pounding against the stern.
Beneath the dragon-head prow
he would keep me warm.
And on nights the ocean was quiet,
under the sails, 
we made our own storm.

That was last I saw him,
tangled limbs and hair,
a thousand years ago
wrapped in seal skins
without a care.

Until that night he grabbed my hand
and pulled me out to dance.
In shyness and confusion
I could barely give him a glance.

Though my eyes may have deceived me,
in a moment of Déjà vu,
once within his arms
my body said,
"Oh. It's YOU."


illustration poetry said...

my Loooove Deborah I didn't know you were still on blogspot!!!!
I rarely here but do you have an Instagram account? please let me know so we can follow each other!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Are you dating Ragnar Lothbrok?

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

How beautiful my sweet friend! ♥♥♥

martinealison said...


De bien jolis mots...

Gros bisous 🌸

kj said...


She's back and she's rocking and rolling!


Wendy said...

OMG - my story as well!
So pleased Deb. So very happy for you both.
Love and Light