Friday, January 16, 2009

Dear Daddy

I am not ready for this.
I am not ready for you to be lying in a hospital bed with your heart failing. Heaven knows I had my part in wearing out your heart, for I have been told for as long as I can remember that I was Daddy's Little Girl.
I remember being ever so little in the country house in New Jersey,
sitting on your lap, telling everyone who would listen
that I was going to marry you.
You asked me "What about Mommy?"
My tiny little three-year-old mind thought,
well, that's HER problem.
You're MY Daddy.
I have one memory of you when I was two.
It is bedtime. I can see your shadowy figure
like a watchman in the night
as you gently placed me in my bed
and I said,
"Drop me Daddy! Bounce!"
You said,
"Not tonight Baby Doll. You have stitches in your head."
My tall, strong, handsome Daddy.
Tonight you said,
"So long for now Baby'll always be my Baby Doll".
I tried to say a million words...they all caught in my throat.
Hot Diggity Dog,
It's been a wonderful life.
I promise to say that every day for you.
It's been wonderful being your daughter.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hi again!
Just wanted to say that the photos of your parents are lovely and you write beautifully.