Sunday, April 19, 2009

Addendum to Saturday Garden Tour

Apparently there was much weeping and wailing,
lamenting and mourning
all night long
in the garden...
Someone felt neglected.
OOO's and Ahhhh's please
for the PROLIFIC

Long ago, when I began gardening,
I actually kept a Garden Book...
logging each and every plant
by its proper name.

Having overcome some of my
obsessive compulsiveness,
Sadly, I cannot identify him further.
But he is attaching himself
to every plant around him!



Renee said...

Deborah how does your garden grow. I think with love and your beautiful words.

I see you are taking a little journey on my blog.

I believe too. I really do.

Love Renee xoxoxo

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Oh...well of course.

How could one forget the clever, albeit dramatic, Iris.

Bowing to the Iris.

Just A Girl said...

Well! I guess that's what you call screaming for attention :0! He is beautiful and it would be difficult to ignore him...smiles.

xoxox Cori

Wendy said...

Applause! Love ya Iris! All flowers are beautiful.

Renee said...

Darling friend you and I are connected so thank goodness he wasn't trying to get too much of your attention.

I keep thinking of your son constantly and I want you to know that he is in my prayers every day.

Love Renee xoxo

Anonymous said...

Your garden is stunning. I can't wait for fresh herbs and beautiful blooms. Your blog is so up-lifting. Thank you and oh yeah oooo for the Iris.

a fanciful twist said...

Lovely beautiful wonderful tender hearted friend, with the glorious garden...

Just stopped in to say, the fairies in my garden had their cousins over to play, and their cousins said they lived in your garden. SO via fairies, it turns out we are related!! xoxoxo

Beautiful visions here to delve into!!!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Today is my first visit to your lovely blog...I will definitely be back again! Your adorable short hair is making me re-think this "growing-out" see I go short then long then shorter then longer...can you relate at all? It's a good thing one of my daughters is a hairstylist!

Stay Cozy, Carrie