Friday, June 7, 2013

So Apparently


I forgot that Gizmo used to smoke.



Anonymous said...

LOL! Best laugh of the day!!! xoxo

kj said...

And it curled his tail?

Silke Powers said...

Hahaha! We have a theory that Winslow smokes cigars and reads our books while we are gone from the house... xoxo, Silke

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Ha! Spitting water out of my nose!!

Shirley said...

Hilarious!! Oh Deborah, your comment today just makes me smiiiiiiillllleeee! Thank you so much for your sweet support and kind words. I do hope I can live up to your expectations each day with my sketches. : ) Thank you so much and I wish you a lovely rest of the week!

Just A Girl said...

naughty little person "-O

Jan said...

Oh that little scoundrel! Did you see the video going around facebook today that showed the little dog clearing the pool table? It was so dang cute! He looked kinda like Gizmo.

Unknown said...

hahahahhahah!!!!! this is a riot!!!! you are so cute Deborah!!!!