Sunday, June 28, 2020

The Grave Robber

Who are you, he once asked.

For fear I’d scare him off,

I did not reply.

I’m your Spirit Animal, Baby.

I’m here to dirty dance you,

Romance you,

To breathe new life into you.

Take that foot out of the coffin

And claw your way back to the living

Cuz it ain’t your time to die.

I’m a night walker,

I’m a grave robber

Digging up the living dead

From where I used to dwell.

I’m gonna rattle your bones,

Linger on the humerus,

And shake the dust off your thighs.

And if you survive the resurrection,

We’re gonna coast, Baby, 

Cuz the grim reaper owes us that.

Who are you, he once asked,

And I demurely smiled.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

A Spirit Animal is a lovely gift! Dance with it!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Thank you for your kind words, Deborah. I have missed our little chats. Love your poetry! ♥

Wendy said...

Catching up.
Glad you're healing.