Thursday, February 4, 2021

Smooth Like Glass

Blue skies,
Smooth blue skies,
Smooth sailing.
We're as
smooth as wet grass,
smooth like the ice
floating in my glass
of bourbon.

Like the swirl of headiness
of one too many shots,
I never saw him coming.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Dare I say it? "Smoooooooooooth!"

Miss Sandra said...

I especially love those last three lines. Hope all is well Deborah!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Beautiful! ♥♥♥

martinealison said...

Bonjour chère amie,

Le soleil envahit notre ciel en ce moment et pour mon plus grand bonheur...
De très jolis mots qui illuminent eux aussi ma journée.

Gros bisous 🌸

kj said...

Deb, this is a fantastic poem! The images and the economy of words is perfect. I’m clapping for you 💜
Love kj

kj said...

if my first comment didn't post, here it is again: this poem is perfect. the images and economy of words is five star. so glad for you, deb.
love kj