Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Prayer Request Update

Special prayer request for PFC Ryan
and his battle buddies . . .
May The Lord, God
be with them.
All is well as of right now.
Prayers of protection are still needed.
P.S. PFC Ryan said
Thank You.


Anonymous said...

I will pray for them. May God give them strength, wisdom, fortitude, and hope.

Anonymous said...

I just wrapped a prayer in love and sent it off.

Ces Adorio said...

They need all we can give. I am saying mine and a special mention of PFC Ryan.

And yet we go about our business unaware that hundreds of young mean and women put their lives at risk to protect us of let us be free.

It saddens my heart that we don't remember PFC Ryan and his buddies everyday. They are truly unsung heroes!

God bless PFC Ryan and his wonderful family, especially his beautiful Mom!

KeKe said...

Always!! :)

My friends nephew was just sent to Germany for an injury to his ankle. Thats all anyone knows, thus far~

Take care~

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

...A small sigh of relief. More coming!!

The Blonde Duck said...

Popped in from Kelly's blog to say hi!

Kjohnson said...

Always praying for PFC Ryan and the men that fight beside him!

Manon said...

I will pray for them!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love the pic of you and your daughter! Very pretty ladies!

Marie S said...

Hi Deborah,
I met you through Renee. She said you wanted prayers for your son. I know I had seen your name reading her posts.
I went back to Renee's page and looked for a post from Deborah, I love your posts and then I went and saw your son, I do better praying when I have a picutre to focus on. What beautiful boy(man), come home safe Ryan.