Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wordless Wednesday





Lila said...

Gorgeous! xo

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Just one more word....Oooooo!

Ces Adorio said...

Good morning! It is morning already. My mind is set to do certain things and when I miss doing them, my schedule and routine get screwed up. Thank you for your kind words. All is well. Gotta be a biological process here in a country with four seasons. Also the school year used to end for us in the Spring months. The new school year started in May. I am not sure, I am just citing it for no logical reason. Giving excuses. However, you are most kind.

Aw crud! I wanted to leave a canned comment. I forgot. See! My schedule is messed up.

Duchess of Tea said...

True when they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Darling I wish you a spring full of blessings and happiness.

Love & Hugs

Silke Powers said...

BEAUTIFUL!! Love it! Can never get enough of flowers... Wishing you a most wonderful day!! Love, Silke

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

You maust have the most beautiful yard to linger in Deb.....
The photo is gorgeous.
I'm back to bed with a headache---can't see out of the left eye, so it's gonna be one of THOSE days! LOL!!!


Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...


Tristan Robin said...

go ahead - tell me that's in your yard right now - go ahead - I don't care - I won't be envious - I won't even flinch.

kj said...

azaelas. (did i spell that correctly?) they will be the first shrub to flower in my yard.

this is my favorite time of year, deb. i figure if that little crocus can break through the ground and stand proud, so can i.


Unspoken said...

Lately you are killing me with sun! :)

CM said...

Pink is my favorite color! Simply beautiful!

Unknown said...

Sigh is right!!! how lovely Deborah!!!! this is magic!!! wonderful photo and no words needed....!!!


Rick said...

D-hard to look at that and be in a bad mood

yoborobo said...

Oh, this is such a pretty picture. You know, it's like ice cream and sunshine and the promise of fireflies. :) Yippeeeee! xoxoxoxo Pam

Javajune said...

Oh so very lovely and yes just gorgeous! ahhhh, says it all.

Carolyn said...

So lush and green ! And the pink is amazing !!
