Sunday, March 20, 2016

Spring Gratitude

I am grateful for my teeny tiny townhouse, and for tree-lined streets creating a canopy of
Spring Green,
filled with song birds praising the
Glory of God.

I am grateful for neighbors who snub the HOA Two Pots at the Front Door Rule
and light up the neighborhood!

I am grateful for prolific street artists who give away their work
for free!

As we enter this Holy Week, I am most grateful for

The Life of God

which even death cannot end,

cut down to our roots,

His Life within us commands

Arise and live.


Snap said...

Happy Spring! Hugs and more hugs ......

Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's so green and lovely there already! Wishing you a happy and blessed Easter!

Unknown said...

Happy Spring to you! Hope all is well.I love the chalk on the sidewalk thing.HOA be damned.You should be able to have as many pots on your front porch as you want! And kids should ALWAYS be allowed to write in the sidewalk and driveways with chalk.It's a rite of passage in childhood.

Just A Girl said...

How beautiful and green is your world, Darlingest of Deb's. We are still in the midst of winter...or brown drought, should I say.
Praying you have a lovely Ressurection celebration and that the Lord wraps His arms around you and surrounds you with His love!

X's & 0's

kj said...

all i can think is, forever holding on to all the love, you've been healed.

I am so happy for you.

and thankful to know you.


Bella Sinclair said...

Spring, my favorite season. Little delights are everywhere for open eyes to discover. And a two-pot-limit? Preposterous. Life and beauty should never be contained. Wishing you a wonderful Easter. xoxo

Ces Adorio said...

I miss the entrance of spring and came home to a home garden bursting in color and weeds! I love weeds too, especially those with little delicate flowers.